What’s the Contrarian Review?
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Welcome, y’all.
These posts represent unsolicited reviews of various faith-based, sports and secular content floating around the cyber ether. The theme of the reviews is simple: they’re a celebration of where content creators are hitting the bullseye, rather than microscopic analysis of where they’re missing it. These reviews are seen through and reflective of the fact that I’ve chosen to do life with God (no, I’m not a Nun). I deeply appreciate those who have made the same choice, and I appreciate their willingness to share the good, bad, challenging and cringe things that come with a full commitment to making that choice.
As well, this blog will include what I call Life Reviews: my first-hand, zoomed-out insights on lived experiences that are, at once, individual and universal. Life Reviews are purges intended to cleanse myself and constructively contribute to you. Let me know how I fare there.
I invite you to engage, disagree and debate. Or, to agree. In the words of one of my favorite teachers, “You have the right to be wrong, but I’m not gonna agree with you or we’d both be wrong.” I, of course, quote him in jest, but those closest to me know I’m #kiddingnotkidding.
My most fervent desire, however, is that you challenge yourselves to turn - and leave - critical thought switched to the 'On’ position while looking through a Biblical lens.
I challenge myself to the same thing.

Forrest Laurent: Dating multiple people
There’s a sifting and shifting happening. It’s tangible, and taking place on a social app near you. The sifting and shifting is the separation between men of God who have put away childish things, and men-children who haven’t yet gotten the memo. An emergence of Millennial-aged men who are leveling up in the areas of their faith, emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship is upon us, and they’re spitting truth at scale.