Life Review: J.O.B. seeker
The layoff happened in late January of this year (2023). In my case, the actual description is a “reduction in force.” My position was eliminated with no intention of back-filling it, and resulted in a permanent cut in headcount.
Not human beings. Headcount.
Listen, I get it. I’m a Capitalist. We’re wading through one of the worst (and totally avoidable) economies in modern history, and companies of every size are spinning out from the market’s vulnerability. The current administration is working overtime to ensure our fundamental rights are under threat, a flurry of look-over-there-not-over-here diversionary tactics are being handed out like October 31st candy on a calculated cadence, the next ‘Rona deployment with all it’s soon-to-be-aggressively-rejected “mandates” is underway, companies are increasingly beholden to shameless, useless, virtue-signaling ESG scores and we’re an eyelash away from being completely unrecognizable as the most powerful and plentiful constitutional republic that has ever existed.
All of it spells hell on earth for businesses.
Meanwhile, when I was laid off, so were thousands of other senior-level folk from companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google and all the banks. That, of course, means lots of people are applying to the same jobs at the same time.
I’m a writer cleverly disguised as a Communications / PR tactician and multiple comms-related hat wearer, so we’re part of the feast-or-famine corporate collective. Companies (especially consumer companies) scramble madly to get us onboarded when goals like product launches, competitive advantage, earned media storytelling, strategic partnerships and thought leadership positioning are deemed necessary to either create or increase demand, visibility, stakeholder engagement and customer loyalty. But, we’re often the first group on the chopping block when there’s been more than one poor-performance sales quarter in a fiscal year. In the eCommerce space (which I’m avoiding with the same vigor with which I’m rejecting the latest rollout of non-vaccinating “vaccinations”), what I do for a living is intensely satisfying when all pistons are firing, and not at all awesome when revenue-generating departments are 10x’d because of a slow sales leak. The inevitable result of mass layoffs is an over-saturated candidate market.
It sucks.
For example, I recently refused to apply to a gig that, within two hours of being posted on LinkedIn, had 1,453 applicants.
Y’all. #no
And that was just the number of applicants on one job board. I knew better than to spit in that ocean. My resume would’ve gone into the abyss.
Never freakin’ mind.
Red Hot Chili Peppers Energy
“Give It Away” (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
As I write this post, I’m nearing the eighth month of what I have chosen to call an “occupational sabbatical” (the word unemployed is distastefully negative). Considering that I’m a person who staunchly defends the ducks-in-a-row hill, I am not having a good time.
Full transparency: over seven months of excruciatingly lengthy candidate experiences (six interviews per company is not uncommon), unreasonable interview requirements, fruitless referrals, flaccid networking events, lazy recruiters (not all; but many) and demoralizing, canned Unfortunately, we’ve chosen to pursue more qualified candidates at this time… emails, I’m getting a bit pissy. And discouraged. And wobbly.
I’ve never gone this long without earning a living.
Did I mention I am not having a good time? I’m not. At all.
Your girl is an earner. She’s all about “the get.” She’s a first-in, last-out special forces operative. She doesn’t know what to do if she’s not doing the most at all times with sparks flying.
During this time when I’m neither sparking nor flying, God, as He often does, has been giving me macro and micro instructions about how to navigate this waiting season His way. The macro instructions are the same: pray (especially in the Spirit), immerse in The Word, stay grateful and don’t get paralytic.
But, the micro instructions are Jericho wall-level crazy. He’s asked me to give (sow) my time, experience and skill into a small ministry.
As in, work for someone without getting paid.
Give it away, give it away, give it away now…
I’m positive that wasn’t what Kiedis & Co. meant when they recorded that flawless hit. IYKYK
When I first got the inner prompt to do it, I contacted the ministry leader without hesitation. It was a couple months ago, and I wasn’t on emotional tilt like I am now. I was willing, and I couldn’t wait to bless that ministry.
Then another month’s worth of bills came due.
Suddenly, I started doubting whether or not I’d actually heard from God.
“Hey…God…this You?,” I asked, reminding Him of what I thought I’d heard Him say.
No response. Silence. Zipped lips.
His silence, of course, meant I was not to change course. The truth is, I’m fully persuaded I am supposed to sow my skills into that ministry. There’s no doubt. The good fruit is imminent. I literally can’t wait to see it happen. And it’s about to jump off.
J.O.B. Seeker
A friend who is deeply committed to my being a #1 New York Times best selling author and speaker of some sort (it’s cute of her) recently implored me to adopt a different perspective as it relates to my job search. She encouraged me to consider that, perhaps, God is doing a new thing with my income stream(s) and wants me to be impervious to the trap that inevitably accompanies working in corporate. My faith level has not yet convinced me to stop applying to gigs, but I’m listening with at least one ear.
This friend said, “Are you familiar with the expression … or Bust? As in, going whole hog for something and not settling for anything less? You know what I mean? For example, people will write Miami or Bust on their windshield while driving cross country to get there. Or, in your case, you have a Bama National Champs or Bust posture at the beginning of every football season. Well, you need to let Jesus take over your job search, let go of your conventional wisdom and all the fear-driven job applications and flip the word job into the acronym J.O.B.: JESUS or Bust. It can be your declaration that you’re singularly plugging in with Him, obeying whatever He leads you to do and not clutching to what has worked in the past. He is your Source. Not a job. Not people. Not a certain salary band. Not your skills and experience. Not your previous wins. Just Him. Everything other than Him is a reSOURCE. So insist on His way to lead you to your next income channel(s).”
Ugly Truth Alert: I’ll admit that, for about 3.94 seconds, I was challenged with receiving that advice from a woman who doesn’t have to work. My first thought was, Yeah, that’s easy for you to say. Now, tell me more about the second investment property you’re about to close… right after you finish telling me about how many job applications I shouldn’t submit in my seventh month of involuntary occupational sabbatical.
The eye-roll was fierce.
Then, I checked my foul attitude and remembered that she’s in my personal Board of Directors. This woman has access to me. She’s allowed to speak into my life; especially spiritually. After my stank ‘tude was checked, I then remembered that I trust what she says to me because I know it’s not really her talking: it’s the Holy Spirit through her.
All of that happened in 3.94 seconds. I course-correct quickly.
Her challenge isn’t easy. To go from engaging a sprayin’-and-prayin’ job application frenzy to being in the J.O.B.-led trust zone is the stuff of panic attacks for me. In addition to hearing time tick away in my head, it’s difficult to reconcile the practicalities of what my friend suggested I do.
Does J.O.B. mean I don’t spend eight hours a day looking for an eight-hour-a-day job anymore? Does J.O.B. mean I spend a few of those eight hours writing content for this blog, and trust what that same friend said about my writing being the anointing oil that will lead to my next professional opportunity? Does J.O.B. mean my 20-plus years in Communications and PR is over, or being repurposed? Does J.O.B. mean that I invite the childlike faith I once so easily summoned to make its triumphant return and “Only believe” that God will, without question, provide with Abraham-, Sheba- and Solomon-level abundance?
Does J.O.B. mean all of the above?
How does a “human doing” doer stop doing what she knows to do? How does a pavement pounder “rest” in the finished works of Christ? Oy… that phrase… “Rest in Him.” I’d understand it better if it were spoken to me in Mandarin. I seriously don’t get the word combination.
How does a “Faith without works is dead” extremist reconcile that truth with the “Be still and know…” truth? None of these questions are rhetorical, by the way. I welcome all Holy Spirit-led feedback. (Operative words are Holy Spirit-led. Otherwise, comments are closed.)
Considering some of the language in corporate job descriptions for which I’m qualified, I may let loose a blood-curdling scream if I see one more company declare its unparalleled commitment to offering a “diverse,” “equitable” and “inclusionary” environment, and then define for me – a black woman who actually made black history before those three words were required nomenclature to stack the odds against being canceled by a tiny, angry mob of professional victims – what makes an environment diverse, equitable and inclusionary.
Miss. Me. With. That.
To that point, it’s possible God is not calling me back to the corporate hamster wheel. In fact, some of my unapologetic sentiment in this post may ensure I’ve disqualified myself from it. But, if not that, what? I’m not a regular chick. A company’s values is absolutely something I respect but, as a comms professional with public-facing responsibilities, I’ll never include bending the knee and optics box-checking in any comms strategy I conceive and craft. I don’t care who the company is or what internal / external “social justice” pressure is applied. That fact alone should actually qualify me as an invaluable asset to any company. I’m talented, accomplished, black, female, emphatically not a victim and meritocracy-maniacal. I’m a get-out-of-shifting-values-free card. I’m actually a no-brainer hire for corporate.
Ultimately though, I’m more than aware that God is up to something in my life. The recent months of deliverance and healing from past spiritual and emotional plagues is evidence enough that what used to work in previous life seasons is permanently canceled henceforth. That milk has most definitely curdled and expired.
I don’t know how this will shake out, but someone recently said, “We see to the corner. God sees around it.”
Faith in the God Who sees, knows and has an inexhaustible supply of grace and mercy branded with my name on them undoubtedly means the next J.O.B. opportunity is less than a short block away.
I praise Him and, equally as importantly, trust His around-the-corner vision.